Apostolic Truth And Power 

   Apostolic Truth And Power 


The Holy Spirit

The Apostle Paul asked the question to certain disciples at Ephesus "Have you recieved the Holy Spirit since you believed"? This is the paramount question to every born again child of God. "Have you recieved the Holy Spirit since you believed"? One that shouldn't be taken lightly at all, for there is a second experience after salvation and that is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is the Sanctifying qualifying work of God within the believer that enables him or her for service for God. It wasn't until when the HolyGhost came that the disciples stood in boldness and power to testify about the goodness of Jesus.  You need Heaven's power for heavens work. He will dwell in you!

Since the beginning of creation it was always God's desire to dwell with and have fellowship with man, ever since when God formed Adam from the dust of the ground it was always God's intention to have fellowship and sweet communion more than any other of Gods creation; not with just a few or some but an invitation for the entire world for divine fellowship, ever since the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom; there is now an open door policy to whosoever will let him come and drink of the water of life freely; by a new and living way. When Jesus introduced Him The Holy Spirit  to us on the day of Pentecost by what the Father had already said through His Prophet Joel The age of the Holy Spirit began. In the Old Testament period it could be said the age of the Father, the period covered by the gospels, the Age of the Son, From Pentecost until the rapture of the Church, the Age of the Holy Spirit. (Father in creation  Son in Redemption Holy Spirit in the Church) where we are living in now. Therefore now by the dispensation of Grace of the finished work of Christ not only do we have sweet communion but a constant ever abiding God dwelling on the inside of us by the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. This I mind you is not a figment of the imagination or a nice clichi, but a divine fact that by reason of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit we have a foretaste of glory  things that the Prophets searched the scriptures diligently to know more about, things to come that's  unspeakable and full of glory, things that are unlawful for us to utter; the indwelling of God; The oh so sweet, but all powerful Holy Spirit.

This Doctrine; the Baptism of the Holy Spirit should take special preference and interest to us because it's where we are at now, the Holy Spirit is how we come to know Christ and His word. If you think you know God outside of the HolyGhost your knowledge is shallow, traditional, or just flat out erroneous. Jesus said it is expedient (necessary) that I go away, if I don't go He won't come for He will lead and guide you unto all truth. He the Holy Spirit is the enabler of prayer worship praise preaching, in all that we do in Christ in service for Him. Jesus said "The hour comes and now is when the True worshipers shall worship the father in Spirit and in truth for the father seeks such to Worship Him" yet our average church is ignorant of this divine fact of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul said " Now concerning Spiritual gifts (or Spiritual matters) I will not have you ignorant" this is why sin is so rampant even in our churches because we're "Ignorant" To the things of the Spirit of God. Therefore as to pertaining to the days and times that we are living in we cannot afford to remain ignorant of the Holy Spirit because it has everything to do with our salvation and furtherance in Christ.

Therefore it is my endeavor to lay the basic groundwork of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus went to His High priest ministry sat down at the right hand of power at the right hand of the Father He passed the Paton so to speak as the Father passed on to the Son and now the Son passes to the HolySpirit. and now the Holy Spirit take position to ministry here on earth. To get the reader to understand in a very basic but scriptural way of understanding more about the Holy Spirit. Someone may say we'll I already know, well then this is not for you. this is for those who are searching to know more of the Holy Spirit in a practical way.

Why is the average church in the dark and doesn't care to know about the HolySpirit.

He doesn't seem relevant or practical enough. He seems impersonal to them. It's easier for them to believe the father in creation makes His personality easier to understand, and the person of Jesus even the the unbeliever believes His person. But the acts and attributes and personality of the Holy Spirit seems too impossible for some to conceive, He seems mystical and distant to them. (The reason for this is because since the fall of man; man has lost his ability to function by his spirit, thereby has lost his keen ability to intuition by his spirit though some has slightly taps it's surface but nowhere near where his untainted spirit was before the fall when he effortlessly communed with God. This is given back by regeneration of his spirit by the Holy Spirit) The Apostle Paul said "If our gosple be hid it is hid to them who are lost whom the god of this world has blind the eyes of them less they believe" And yes the Holy Spirit is part of the gospel! While some just think of Him as a power or an influence. What needs to be taken notice to many is that when Jesus said to His disciples tarry in Jerusalem until you be endowed with power from on high, they didn't ask questions they was obedient not knowing what was to place they didn't know anything about the HolySpirit but they obeyed His word and they was all filled with the HolyGhost speaking in unknown tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance, therefore the reason for the average church ignorance is because of their disobedience to God. The Holy Spirit is received and understood in and by our spirit not by our mind or intellect, Apostle Paul said "God who I serve with my spirit" this is where many of us lose it.-To Be Continued.