Christ Our Sabbath Rest Hebrews 4:1-10
Jesus Our Sabath Rest
God rested from His recreative work of Gen.1 on the Seventh Day. The sabbath rest of God became the basis of the Mosaic Sabbath (Ex.20:11); a type of the believers rest in Gods redemption plan to be realized in Christ. (Heb.4:1-11, Col.2:16-23.)The resting on the 7th Day (Gen.2:2-3) God ceased, stopped, finished his work to establish what Christ would do on the cross, when He stated in Jn.19:30 "It is finished" indicating the plan and work of Salvation is finalized in Christ; that the sinner can now through Christ cease from working for salvation thereby receiving grace favour to receive Salvation freely without works. We are now living in the 7th day of the finished work of Christ redeemed from the curse of the law therefore we are sabbath in Christ; Resting in Christ, we are now saved by grace through faith not of works is it finished we now have eternal rest in Christ. Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of all law with Its rituals and ceremonies all typified in Christ. Matt.11:28, Col.2:16-23 Heb.4:10