Prophetic Relm And Connection
The Prophetic
Each age, dispensation and covenants God has added and dropped certain terminologies concerning certain ministries. There was first Patriarchs Then the Law Priests Levites Scribes. We should notice the only ministry that stayed perpetual and consistent was the ministry of the Prophet. Prophets play a vital role in the predestined plan of the return of Christ. They are the mouth heart voice of God. There are Old and New Testament Prophetic scriptures which must be fulfilled before Christ returns. Acts 3:21 declears "The heavens must recive Him until the times of restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His Holy Prophets since the world began".The Prophet has been given from Christ the anointing and responsibility to receive from Christ proper revelation and applications of these scriptures; they are hidden until the time of truth is come. Prophets are anointed to root up and tear down arrogant false deceptions, Though the Old Testament prophet differs from the New Testament prophet, Heb.1:1-2 says "God spoke in times past unto the father's by the Prophets Has in these last days spoken to us by His Son" We are in a New day, a New dispensation and administration of Grace the prophet has accountability to the Apostle as well as to one another because of the unity of the Body of Christ. Therefore every Prophet must have accountability. Eph.2:20 The Apostle Paul speaks of the church being built upon the Apostle and Prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together" the Corporate Body of Christ this is the order for God to have habitation here on earth and all of this being done by the Holy Spirit. This unity most not only be realized but in operation. It is vital that every Prophet understands this there's no Lone Rangers, or Private Prophets, if you run into one who's doesnt belong to a local church assyembly and they tell you I only go where God tells me that's someone who is out of sync with God and is heading for trouble. The transitioning of the Old to the New Testament prophet is a Corporate fellowship. prophets have accountability to one another and to the Apostle. We are in a revolutionary new and living way a major departure from the Old Testament Jewish way. There is a vast difference of the Old and New Testament Prophets and that difference is the abiding power and presence of the Holy Spirit. 1Pet.1:10 says the Prophets enquired and search diligently of the grace and salvation that we were to receive. By the prophetic word that came out of their mouths they was astonished and wanted to know more about our salvation and the power of the Holy Ghost. By reason of the indwelling power of the HolyGhost surpass the Old Testament Prophets don't have what we the people of God have today.
Prophets are usally very sinsative people they can read into and pick up on things very easy and can change the atmosphere in a room suddenly they are highly irritated at false doctrine and false teachers and Prophets. but at the sametime many of them usally need the close support of their leaders and one another because of their high sinsitivity.
There is a counterfeit spirit that's lurking amongst the Prophets they look like Prophets they act like Prophets but if you listen closely they don't sound like Prophets and they diffinatetly not Holy, their actually teachers having itching ears, they are psychics and they are hearing from demons, necromancers is who they are, the Lord showed me how this spirit has disguised itself amongst the Prophets and it sits comfortably because the people are just waiting to hear anything to please their flesh. and any Prophet or Apostle who are in fellowship with such a one will reap what the false Prophet reap because they are accountable to him for the Prophet is subject to the Prophet.
You can judge Prophecy to see whether or not it is of God, you don't have to be guessing, its very important for all of the people of God to know if a word is from the Lord or not. 1Jn.4:1 says " Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether thay are of God because many false Prophets are gone out into the world" Here are seven keys in judging prophecy.
*By their fruit. Matt.7:15
*Does it glorify Christ. Rev.19:10
*Is it in line with the word. 2Pet.1:21
*Are prophecies fulfilled.Deut.28:20-22
*Not all Prophecies from God Deu13:1-5
*Does it lead to liberty or bondage
*Rely on the anointing 1Jn.2:20,27